October Program 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
7:00 am - 11:00 am

The 1st Speaker, Ed Hegwood, LEED AP O&M (Instructor at RRCC), will be presenting details of the use of Electronically Commutated (EC) Fans and explore the impacts on energy savings these fans are having in data centers and other critical facilities.  There will be a tour of the lab set up at Red Rocks Community College to provide up-front knowledge of practical applications of these fans in the real world. 

There will be an additional speaker – “Mr. Rick Alvarado of Denver Water will be presenting ‘Water Efficiency in Commercial Buildings – Cooling Tower Incentive’. This program provides information on reducing water & energy (heating) costs, reducing operating costs, reduce wastewater discharge & costs and saving potable water for the expanding population”

This will be a great and informative event!  Please see our Meeting document links for announcement details, driving and Campus directions to this event.

Event Media

Energy Conservation and the Electronically Communicated Fan presentation available upon request. Contact us.