The 7×24 Exchange Rocky Mountain Chapter will serve as an independent forum for ideas, opinions, and information on end-to-end reliability issues for Mission Critical organizations in the Rocky Mountain region.


The 7×24 Exchange Rocky Mountain Chapter is an educational forum bringing together organizations to promote a better understanding of design, execution, and management issues involved in achieving reliability within all facets of mission critical systems and operations.


The 7×24 Exchange Rocky Mountain Chapter will:

  1.  Provide informative, vendor neutral, educational programs focused on End-User’s needs.
  2. Facilitate collaboration among those in allied professions and market sectors affecting end-to-end reliability of mission critical infrastructure.
  3. Neither endorse nor permit Chapter Members to use its activities to directly sell their products or services, and to protect our Members’ privacy.
  4. Advance the latest developments in infrastructure reliability by disseminating knowledge in the form of Case Studies, Guidelines, Practices, and Standards.


The 7×24 Exchange Rocky Mountain Chapter is setting the following goals in order to achieve our Vision, accomplish our Mission, and thereby ensure the success of our organization and End-Users.

The following goals will serve to guide our activities and efforts for the future.

To that end; we will:

  1. Increase End-User participation and create a diverse membership through many different demographics.
  2. Enhance the quality of our brand, marketing (website, brochures, events, other) and community reach.
  3. Offer a robust scholarship program to help educate the next generation of Mission Critical professionals.
  4. Be viewed as the proactive leading knowledge resource in the Rocky Mountain region for current and developing technologies.
  5. Produce interactive and exciting programing (tours, expertise, etc.)
  6. Create an End-User collaborative forum for a variety of topics and people.
  7. Expand the events in the region to increase awareness throughout Colorado and surrounding areas.